Economics and management
PJSC UAC Sukhoi Design Bureau, 23A, Polikarpova str., Moscow, 125284, Russia
The subject of this article is the statement of the problem of creation of a new organizational-economic concept of the defense article research and development contract management system that take into consideration the features of research and development and that provide the recovery of the research-and-production potential of defense article developers and manufacturers and that corresponds with the idea of the partnership between private company and state. The article shows that the new organizational-economic concept of the defense article research and development contract management system should be based on the new organizational-economic approaches of the state customer to the setting of the pricing condition, funding conditions and production-property conditions of defense article development beyond the legal space of work and labour.
The management of the new defense articles is based on the existing defense article research and development contract management system and development process requirements.
The state customer determines and fixes the development price limit. Engineering risks connected with the new knowledge created during the development are typical for research and advanced development.
Realization of the engineering risks fairly leads to the of the term and rise of the research and development costs. The existing methods of development costs prediction dont let the price raise be considered.
During the research and advanced development in the sphere of science intensive defense article the following features take place (towards the main contractor of the research and advanced development):
- strict fixation of the term and funding size of the research and advanced development,
- joint funding of the research and advanced development,
- mix (budget and non-budget) funding of the research and advanced development.
The possible term and funding risks of the general contractor is not taking into consideration. Strict fixation of the term and costs of the research and advanced development steps makes the contract development management system inflexible.
Joint and mix funding of the research and advanced development are realized in practice without the necessary normative-methodical documents.
Contract development management system of the research and advanced development doesnt consider production-property conditions typical for the development.
Consideration of the development features in current legislation and reflection of these features in interdepartmental (departmental) normative-methodical documents on development is possible on the basis of a new science-based organization-economic concept of development management contract system that should consider development features and provide recovery of scientific-production potential of the developers that was lost during the domestic economy reforms.
development features, new organizational-economic concept of research and development managementReferences
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