Spacecraft and Rockets
*, 1**, 2***1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, MATI, 3, Orshanskaya str., Moscow, 121552, Russia
In this paper the method for structural-parametric system construction of optimal facial features flying objects is considered. For the case of a homogeneous target set the structural parametric synthesis is based on a statistical approach. For the case of multi-dimensional, heterogeneous set of targets the structural parametric synthesis is organized in the form of global search of the objective function.
Multipurpose feature of flying objects is determined by the variety of tasks performed by the system, the conditions of its operation and by set of system elements. It causes a number of problems which are far from being resolved now. The main problem is related to the assessment of the aircraft effectiveness, when it is difficult to decide what rules should get an overall effectiveness assessment of the aircraft system performing predetermined range of tasks. Volume of processed information in the system is much more than information capabilities of its individual components and thus the system should use a set of elements. Construction of multi-purpose system is rational distribution of a given set of targets between the centers of X strategy for flying objects building system. It is shown than external replacement of X by some «calculated response» is unacceptable, since «design characteristics» often lead to a significant systematic error, and in some cases they may not contain.
In this paper we present a solution to the model problem in which it is necessary to optimally distribute the targets between cruise missiles group.
global search of the objective function, tructural parametric synthesis, optimal facial features of FO systemReferences
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