Aerospace propulsion engineering
Design Bureau «Yuzhnoye» named after M.K. Yangel, 3, Krivorozhskaya str., Dniepropetrovsk, 49008, Ukraine
e-mail: vs198080@mail.ru
The solution of the task of propellant unloading fr om the tanks of launch vehicles is extremely important to solve the problem of the minimal propellant residuals determining.
This fuel residuals prevents of tank pessurization gas enters in the feed line of liquid-propellant rocket engine.
The pressurization gas gets into the feed line from the fuel tank through the drain hole at the stage of complete emptying of tanks and the «broken» of the free surface of the fuel due to the formation of the funnel. The critical level of fuel preventing gas bursts out into the feed line is largely determined by the drain hole structure and the Froude number. The formation of a gas-liquid mixture is occurred due to the collision of the gas flow from the tank with the surface of the fuel in the feed line. The entrapment of the pressurization gas and its penetration into the fuel are results of this collision. The propellant residuals in the tank and the feed line are determined by numerical simulation of this collision. The numerical simulation of the liquid detanking process is done with the help of ANSYS CFX software package.
To solve this task a combination of the method of calculating the current of continuous multiphase medium with free surfaces (Volume of Fluid) and the method of calculation of the current of multiphase polydisperse medium, wh ere a liquid phase is continuous and a gaseous one is represented by a set of bubbles of different sizes (Multiple Size Group model), is used.
Until the moment of penetration of the gas jet from the tank at the free surface of the fuel in the feed line, the calculation is carried out by the method of VOF. The calculation of a gas-liquid mixture in the feed line is carried out by the MUSIG method.
The results of the calculation are well correlated with the experimental data.
propellant residuals, launch vehicle, ANSYS CFX, VOF, MUSIGReferences
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