Optimal shape of power plant for perspective attack unmanned aerial vehicle

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Fokin D. B.*, Isyanov A. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia

*e-mail: NikOf@ciam.ru
**e-mail: iam@ciam.ru


At present time the attack unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with large take-off weight is the most interest among the wide variety of UAV. These UAV can carry a certain amount of armament besides a reconnaissance equipment. In the USA the development of ship-based unmanned aircraft systems (X-47B, «Phantom Ray», «Sea Avenger» and «Sea Ghost») is leaded more actively in the UAV class. The European projects, such as «nEUROn» and «Taranis» and Chinese project («Lijian») are also known.

The development of the UAV with attack opportunities in our country began at the end of 1990 years. The development of aircraft of such class engaged «MiG» corporation («SKAT»), the design engineering bureau named Yakovlev («PRORYV») and others, but presently none of them reached the fase of serial production.

The requirements to the power plants of such aircrafts are formed on the basis its implementation and solwing tasks. This includs the regimes of takeoff and landing, acceleration, maneuvering in horizontal and vertical planes and other.

The analysis of influence of design parameters of both the engine and aircraft, such as bypass ratio, takeoff thrust, the gas burner exit temperature, the overall pressure ratio and the wing area on the course of UAV performances is given in this work.

The ultimate aim of mathematical modeling at the aircraft design and its power plant is the optimal values obtaining of its design parameters and optimal control schedules.

The solution of multicriterion problem on the initial design stages is advisable to carry out in accordance with known Pareto principle. According to which the area within the limits of which cannot be increased any partial criterion without reducing other ones must be identified in the area of arguments. The range at different conditions, acceleration, normal load factor of steady turn and takeoff weight with normal refuelling are acted as criteria for UAV operation. The multicriterion multifactor optimization of the design parameters of the considered UAV is demonstrated the posibility of significant improvment the aircraft performance versus the preliminary version.


unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicle, mathematical modeling, optimization, and effective internal characteristics


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