Economics and management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
- Analyze features of the aviation industry and target indicators of industry development , set out in program documents.
- Justify the need to develop an integrated educational system covering all types of professional education and all categories of employees in organizations of the industry.
- Show the place of national research university in the implementation of construction of such education system.
Methodology of work/results
Used the methodology of constructing educational systems for various categories of students in the context of different age groups and skill levels of employers at enterprises of aviation industry.
Considered possibility of a national research university in the formation of human capital of the aviation industry. Defined the levels of final learning outcomes and their contents.
Show the ways of improving university management system, implementing an integrated system of education.
The article shows the need to establish an integrated system of training of human resources in aviation industry, which includes all the blocks of the educational process.
Justified expediency of ideological concentration throughout the system on a national research university, which is able to bring together, for the benefit of industry, educational institutions of various levels and education structures of industry enterprises.
Formed proposals for reorientation of university management to centers on the creation of value whic hare the department (cathedrals) that directly implement the target function in university.
integrated educational system, professional and educational competence, a national research university, centers of value creationReferences
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