Multi-criteria optimization of efficiency of earth remote sensing systems constellations target functioning on the basis of operative planning

Spacecraft and Rockets


Darnopykh V. V.*, Malyshev V. V.1**, Usovik I. V.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Federal State Institution “Federal Scientific Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Nachimovskiy prosp., Moscow, 117218, Russia



Modern projects of Earth remote sensing systems (ERSS) provide combination of their target functionality for solution to a range of special tasks. That is why the spacecraft (SC) is designed as multi-purpose one and ERSS is also considered as multi-purpose. Therefore the problem of planning SC multi-purpose orbital constellation target functioning is multi-criterion. So, it is required to carry out at the same time solving of ERSS target functioning efficiency for several various criteria (or for one of the most preferable from them). The solving of such complex optimization problem is possible only during the development and application of specially designed methods for complex multi-criteria optimization adapted for multi-purpose ERSS functioning.

The main local and integrated indicators of ERSS target functioning efficiency such as operational efficiency of shooting information broadcast from SC on-board to ground stations, average daily volume of the shooting information broadcasted from SC to ground stations, frequency of Earth equator observation, the cumulative value of shooting information are considered in the article.

The general optimization problem statement for multi-criteria optimization of ERSS target functioning efficiency on the basis of operative planning is given in the article with the using of mathematical models and similar optimization tasks formalization presented in earlier authors publications.

The examples of solution to analysis and optimization model tasks operative planning of target functioning for ERSS constellations including from 1 to 5 SC with the project parameters «Resource», «Kanopus», «Meteor» are presented in the article. The results of the comparative analysis of target functioning of these constellations are presented as well. The results of multi-criteria optimization are given in ratio on different coefficients of importance of integrated indicators of ERSS target functioning efficiency. The corresponding recommendations about a choice of the ERSS constellations are formulated.


earth observation systems, space assets, spacecraft on-board equipment, multi-functional constellations, target functioning of satellite systems, indicators of efficiency, mathematical models and methods, multicriteria optimization, planning, software, system and parametrical analysis, efficiency estimation


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