Optimal modular dimension-type series of power plants with aluminum as an energy source

Propulsion and Power Plants


Okorokova N. S.*, Pushkin K. V.**, Sevruk S. D.***, Farmakovskaya A. A.****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: ok.nadezhda@mail.ru
**e-mail: konstantin-val@yandex.ru
***e-mail: sds46@yandex.ru
****e-mail: a.a.farmakovskaya@gmail.com


Analysis of the aerospace engineering needs and other modern self-contained technical facilities has shown that the aluminium-air (AA) mechanically rechargeable chemical current sources (CCS) can be effectively used as the main energy sources or emergency power systems.

This paper helps to solve an actual issue as the developing of the functional dimension-type series of AA CCS. All power plants gathered into one series via their characteristics (so called parametric series) are developed fr om one point of view.

The modular parametric range assumes that all power plants are built by means of consecutive or parallel commutation of the basic modules.

As the optimization parameter for the modular parametric range of AA CCS the electrode sizes were accepted, namely the size of the gas-diffusion oxygen cathode. The cathode usually has high over potential and its operation time lim it the operation time of the AA CCS due to its structure.

The evaluations of the different parameters of the modular range were also carried out in this paper. It is also shown that in the cases of difficult power consumption usually characterized by the cyclic higher power peaks the hybrid scheme of the power plant can be effective. Such scheme includes AA CCS and buffer accumulator battery (AB), for instance nickel metal hydride or lithium-ion batteries. AA CCS provides a basic power rate and recharges the AB, but AB covers the power peaks if it is necessary.

The evaluation of the required basic modules numbers has done and it is shown that the main factor which limiting the power rate of the basic modules is maximum achievable level of the one cell in the AA battery. This is determined by the technological limits of the large-area gas-diffusion cathodes production and the possibility to provide the proper conditions of the thermo- and mass exchanges.

This paper shows that based on the chosen optimal parameters it is possible to make 2-3 modulardimension-type series based on the 3-5 basic modules in each series. Besides, the basic module can include 1-6 or 1-8 battery depending on its power rate.


dimension-type series, modular series, electrochemical cell, a hybrid scheme of power plants


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