Investigations and analysis of “cold” blowing for a thrust module of high-frequency knocking combustion pulsejet engine

Propulsion and Power Plants


Larionov S. Y., Nechayev Y. N., Mokhov A. A.

Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, 3, Planetnaya str., Moscow, 125190, Russia


Tests are described and analyzed for a thrust module of knocking combustion pulsejet engine. This advanced engine was tested on a special experimental bench. An operation of the thrust module investigated with the bench is based on the Hartmann-Sprenger effect. High-frequency self-oscillation arise within the thrust module resonator shaped as a segment of sphere for some combinations of geometrical and gas-dynamical parameters of the resonator. Reasonable geometrical and gas-dynamical parameters of the thrust module are determined for forthcoming tests with ejector thrust enhancer for the non-steady pulsating stream case. — informational site of MAI

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