Definition of the helicopter integral market competitiveness in the group of helicopters of a certain class

Economics and management


Zueva T. I.1*, Khmelevoi V. V.1**, Dzardanova S. V.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Citibank, 8/10, Gashek str., Moscow, 125047, Russia



The problem of the competitiveness evaluation of aviation technology at the stage of making decision about buying and formation of the Park is relevant in connection with active development of transport system in russian regions and cities.

Methods of the estimation of competitiveness that currently proposed in the literature and other information sources are not designed to cater for the increasing needs of customers, the number of private consumers aircraft increases.

In the presented paper we describe the developed method in determination of the integral competitiveness of the helicopter in helicopter group of a particular class. The approbation of this method on the example of civil helicopters is given as well.

The integral market competitiveness of the helicopter is encouraged to understand as the result of the comparison of each model helicopter candidate for purchase with the sum of analog — helicopters of different manufacturers, are on the feasibility and consumer characteristics, taking into account the blur variations in consumer preferences.

It is proposed to use the method based on the theory of fuzzy sets, prioritizing in the assessment scales analyzed analogues helicopters for making decisions regarding the level of overall market competitiveness.

The result of the competitiveness evaluation in the article is invited to consider obtaining a competitive range of helicopter models, prioritized on integrated index of market competitiveness.


integrated market competitiveness, fuzzy set teory, consumer conferences, service, analogue, optimum alternative, competitive range, helicopters


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