Economics and management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
- Determine the relevance of the organization modernizing of repair manufacture at «Chernyshev MME, JSC».
- Analyze the segmentation of market of aircraft turbine engines for the light fighters.
- Analyse the perspectives of development of each engine modification that is produced and repaired at the companies.
- Carry out the system analysis in organization of repair manufacture for the aircraft engines at «Chernyshev MME, JSC».
- Find out the opportunities to create the mechanism of organization of repair manufacture for the aircraft engines within the indicated conditions of external environment development.
- Determine the tasks of optimization of process routing for the repair manufacture.
Design/methodology/ approach
Using the methods of competitive analysis and segmentation of market to determine the perspectives of development of each engine modification that is produced and repaired at the enterprise. Conducting the research of process in organization of repair manufacture on example of «Chernyshev MME, JSC». Investigation is made by decomposing the object using the system approach and SADT-modelling. Using the method of process routing to determine the sequence of process operations and production equipment used. Using the methods of making the management decisions to determine the optimum load of equipment and route of transferring the product fr om one lim it to another.
The following statements and results presented in this work are new:
- Perspectiveness of development and expediency of forming the mechanism in organization of repair manufacture for the aviation components.
- Trends of engine building market development are identified.
- Decomposition of research object with using SADT-modelling is made.
- The unit of selecting the optimum process routing is identified to be the main component of the organizational mechanism of repair manufacture.
organization of repair manufacture, engine building market, SADT-modelling, process routingReferences
- Manturov D.V., Kalachanov V.D., Efimova N.S. Organizatsiya proizvodstva v aviatsionnoi promyshlennosti: analiz i perspektivy (The organization of production in the aviation industry: analysis and prospects), Moscow, ITEP, 2013, 163 p.
- Cheremnykh S.V., Semenov I.O., Ruchkin V.S. Modelirovanie i analiz sistem. IDEF-tekhnologii: praktikum (Modeling and analysis of systems. IDEF-technologies: workshop), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, 2006, 192 p. — informational site of MAI Copyright © 1994-2025 by MAI |