Methodic prerequisites to the quantitative assessment of technical state of one class of complex technical systems

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles


Zakharov I. V.1*, Trubnikov A. A.2**, Reshetnikov D. A.2***

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In terms of the guidance system of the guided aircraft air-to-air missile methodic prerequisites of the assessment of the technical state of one class of complex technical systems were suggested. The assessment of the technical state of the guidance system of the guided aircraft missile commentary was carried out using two methods. The first one was the parameter control method in the universe of linear nonqualified tolerances. The second one was the verifying method on figure of merit in the functional-hardware potential field. The presentation of returns of control was deduced using both accounted methods in the space of parameters specified a combat potential of the guided aircraft missile.

The method of the assessment of the technical state of complex technical systems and its instantiation inside of the intellectual technical diagnosis system were in [1- 4] established. In this article the development of the above mentioned approach for the assessment of the technical state of the guidance system of the guided aircraft air-to-air missile was reproduced.

In [5] the hybrid control method was offered. Within the framework of this method the current technique of parametric control and cueing on figure of merit were used. For a score of reasons the instantiation to the full the policy of maintenance with respect to state of systems within classic understanding for wide-ranging total of guided aircraft missiles as exploitation objects is impossible. Therefore for the instantiation of operation and maintenance of guided aircraft missiles with respect to state a new method can be used.This method was named " the method of the utmost complete usage of the real technical state of a guided aircraft missile while decision making in situ.

The instantiation of such method assumes usage of the multialternative checking circuit: effective — qualified fit — defect, based on the assessment of the technical state of the guided aircraft missile. For this purpose a new notion J was introduced that was nameda combat potential of the guided aircraft missile. J was determined by the total of tactical and technical missile characteristics j1, j2, j3,..., jk, providing its dissemination against specific crowd of goals, under the crowd desired condition of the tactical employment. Thereafter the fault if only one any of parameters X ( of the missile as the unit under test), defined in the space QR(X) of the system of linearly independent permissible limits, spasmodically lower on 100% the whole combat potential of the missile notwithstanding that a limited stamina of the unit under test QR(X) stayed behind.

Let us introduce a new mathematical object F — the functional-hardware potential (FHP). F identically specified by the crowd of subsystem duties of the guided aircraft missile. These duties strictly reflect the sequence and the quality of carrying out missions of the guided aircraft missile. The above mentioned crowd was in practice implemented on missile board by defined total of on all fours of instrument room decisions. Let us analyze the class of the guided aircraft air-to-air missile subsystems as persistent dynamic systems in terms of the guidance system. The engineering philosophy of development of the standard guidance system is based on the condition for miss minimum Rh while target homing. Then the design of high performance securing control process is possible on the ground of construction and analysis of mathematical modelsfor the guided aircraft missile as the unit under test using figure of merit W of the true miss.

Hence it becomes possible the presentation of a monotonic association between the technical state of S missile subsystems in the figure of high merit space and the combat potential J of the guided aircraft missile. The usage of the multialternative checking circuit: effective — qualified fit — defect does possible the made-up enhancement of Ώ`(X) — the area of observed intermediate technical states of the unit under test. This area features the guided aircraft missile stamina which forms the requirement for the instantiation of advanced the guided aircraft missile performance strategy inside of the modern system of technical exploitation.


assessment of the technical state, guidance system, figure of merit, functional-hardware potential, combat potential, unalarmed failure, fictitious failure, information system of commanding technical state


  1. Zakovryashin A.I. Elektronnyi zhurnal Trudy MAI, 2014, no.72, available at: (accessed 07.04.2015).

  2. Zakovryashin A.I. Konstruirovanie REA s uchetom osobennostei ekspluatatsii (Construction electronics allowing for the operation), Moscow, Radio i svyaz, 1988, 120 p.

  3. Zakovryashin A.I., Agaletskii P.S. Elektronnyi zhurnal Trudy MAI, 2011, no.49, available at: 07.04.2015).

  4. Zakovryashin A.I. Elektronnyi zhurnal Trudy MAI, 2011, no.49, available at: 07.04.2015).

  5. Zakharov I.V., Sokolov O.V. Trudy GosNIIAS. Voprosy avioniki, 2001, no. 1(8), pp.53-60. — informational site of MAI

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