Simplified approaches to brush seal leakage evaluation

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Mechanical Engineering Technology


Pugachev A. O.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents semi-empirical and theoretical methods for brush seal leakage performance evaluation. It also describes suggested simplified approach based on the reevaluation of the effective clearance value for the sel ected generic brush seal of the design that corresponds most closely to the studied seal. Besides,the paper describes the simplified CFD-based porous medium model of the gas flow in brush seal developed in free and open source software, allowing performing the analysis in automated mode. The proposed simplified approaches are practical tools for evaluating leakage performance of brush seals without excessive time consumption. The preliminary design approach is based on the experimental data on leakage and blow-down behavior of six different configurations of brush seals. Experimental dataset is supplemented by the predicted calculated relationships for the brush pack compression. In spite of the limited set of the generic brush seals, the proposed preliminary design approach demonstrates a satisfactory agreement with the data for other brush seals taken from free access literature. The simplified CFD model is used to obtain pressure and flow fields in the brush seal channels. The application of the proposed approaches is illustrated using the data on the original design of brush seals developed at IVCHENKO- PROGRESS SE. The results show that a reasonable agreement can be achieved for the brush seals of that differ significantly fr om the designs of brush seals forming the basis of suggested approaches.


brush seal, discharge characteristic, engineering approach, experimental data, computational fluid dynamics


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