Features of corporate relations in the Russian aviation industry (20 years after the beginning of radical economic reforms)


Izyumova I. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: iziumovair@rambler.ru


Realization of reforms in the science-intensive business is accompanied by associating of existing enterprises and the creation of new ones. The rules of law, corporate and professional codes govern the corporate relations between enterprises. These relations are characterized by a certain degree. These relationships between enterprises are characterized by a certain degree of dependence on interaction with each other.

For the Russian aviation industry, the role of the state at an early stage of economic reforms seems of less importance compared to the times of the USSR existence as well as leading world economies.

Since the beginning of economic reforms, production volume of aircrafts has declined significantly. The quality of designs deteriorated, and for the most part represented an adaptation of previously designed products. Commercial aviation manufacturing became dependent upon constituent parts of foreign manufacturers. Defense technology designs achieved more recognition since they are related to the sixths generation.

Research and development activities significantly decreased, and breakthrough innovations were replaced by a step-by-step modernization. For research and development effort organization everybody stuck to the principle of so-called pulling-out. Taken together, it led to intellectual potential reduction, transition to works, related to designs of small batches of aviation products manufacturing, independent search for orders, and consumer goods design.

At the early stages of the reform of educational institutions, a significant outflow of personnel was noted. This outflow of personnel had a significant impact on training.

The conditions of admission to educational institutions and training have also changed: training on a commercial or budget basis and targeted training were offered. New forms and training technologies are used.

The number of graduates of educational institutions did not and do not meet the demands of the industry, academic and sectorial research institutes for the specialists of appropriate qualifications.

Over the past 10 years, the federal government adopted standards for training, the implementation was carried out only by scientists and teachers of high school.

State program of development of the aviation industry for the period from 2013 to 2025 with the subprogram 7 Aviation Science and Technology is aimed at solving problems arising in corporate relations in the period of reform.

Implementation of reforms in high technology business association is accompanied by existing businesses and creation of new ones. Corporate relations between companies are governed by rules of law, corporate and professional codes, characterized by a certain degree depending on the interaction with each other.

Role of the state for the Russian aviation industry in the early stages of economic reform is recognized lower compared to the time of the Soviet Union and in comparison with the worlds leading economies.

Since the beginning of economic reforms, production of aircraft has declined significantly. Quality development deteriorated and is a modification of previously developed products. Production of civil aviation has become dependent on the components of foreign origin. Developments in the field of military equipment reached more recognition, they are referred to the sixth generation. In the manufacture of preserved preference of domestic components.

Research and development activities significantly decreased, breakthrough innovations are replaced by a step by step modernization in the organization of remained the principle of pull. Overall, this resulted in a reduction of intellectual potential, the transition to work-related developments for the production of small batches of aviation products, independent search of orders and product development of national purpose.

In the early stages of the reform of the educational institutions there is a significant outflow of personnel, which affects the quality of training.

The conditions of admission to educational institutions and training have also changed: offer training on a commercial basis or budget, conditions targeted training, new forms of technology and training.

The number of graduates of educational institutions did not satisfied and do not meet the needs of industry, academic and industrial research institutes in frames appropriate qualifications.

Over the past 10 years, Federal State Standards for training of specialists were adopted, which implementation was carried out only by scientists and teachers of high school.

The State Program of development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025 with the Subprogram 7 Aviation Science and Technology is aimed at solving problems arising in corporate relations during the reform


corporate relations, aviation industry, the role of the state, innovation management


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