Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Aeronautical engineering
*, **, ***Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
The execution of flights in the vicinity of an airport area in Russia differs from flights execution abroad. Before flight, Russian pilots set the airfield pressure on all barometric altimeters, the so-called mode of an airplane aviating according to the pressure over the airfield — QFE. Take off, After takeoff and circuit the altimeters are set to standard mean sea level pressure of 1013.2 hPa (760 mm. Hg) — QFH. This is the mode of airplane aviating according to pressure of the sea level. After taking a decision on the height of the flight execution of the flight at the set level begins. During preparation to landing after the plane descends to circle height, all barometric altimeters are set to the pressure over the airfield. After landing in QFE mode, the altimeters indicate the altitude of zero meters at the airfield.
Barometric altimeters do not change pressure indication all over the world world. While in flight at the level and at landing, barometric altimeters are set to standard pressure of 1013.2 hPa (760mm. Hg) and the whole flight is executed in the QNE mode at the height relative to mean sea level pressure. At the airfield, barometric altimeters indicate the remaining altitude relative to sea level. Pilots should know it, and take into account the location of every airfield relative to sea level.
The change of pressure in barometric altimeters results in errors and failures in interacting systems, such as system of automatic flight control, system of the early warning of dangerous closeness of earth of GPWS, system of warning of collision of airplanes of TCAS control the and signal permutation pressure due to height-indicators entered as barometric flight altitude. GPWS (EGPWS) provides radio altitude signaling. The change of pressure in barometric altimeters in the course of the flight is dangerous, and may result in a catastrophe at an attempt to go around in automatic mode. It happened in Kazan in 2013, in Perm in 2008 — at go- around of the airplane Boeing-737 in the automatic mode instead of circuit circling, when the set of height was translated to the autopilot. Eventually it resulted in a catastrophe.
For absolute promotion of safety, it is necessary to bring about the changes in the normative document of civil aviation of Russian Federation FAR-128 and oblige a crew to execute the flight on all stages only in the QNH mode.
flight safety, airdrome, transition altitude, transition level, altimeter, barometric pressure, units of measurementReferences
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Pisarenko V.N. Upravlenie bezopasnostyu poletov (Flight safety management), Samara, NTs RAN, 2014, 226 p.
Pisarenko V.N. Upravlenie protsessami i sistemami ekspluatatsii aviatsionnoi tekhniki (Management of processes and systems of aircraft engineering), Samara, NTs RAN, 2014, 318 p.
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Federalnye aviatsionnye pravila Podgotovka i vypolnenie poletov v grazhdanskoi aviatsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii. Prikaz Mintransa Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 31 July 2009, № 128 (Federal air rules Preparation and fulfillment of flights in a civil aviation of RF. The order of Ministry of Transport of RF dated July 31, 2009, No. 128), Moscow, 2010, 80 p. — informational site of MAI Copyright © 1994-2024 by MAI |