Modeling of electromagnetic environment as a radiated field in the internal spacecraft structures

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering


Zhikharev D. Y., Kirillov V. Y.*




Modeling of the electromagnetic environment is a promising direction of designing the systems on board the spacecraft.

Modeling electromagnetic environment allows you to define the levels of radiated electromagnetic interference in different parts of the spacecraft structure and draw conclusions on the need to improve on-board equipment and changing ways of laying cables.

The paper presents a method of electromagnetic environment modeling of systems on board the spacecraft. The method consists in replacing the real on- board devices, emitting electromagnetic interference (EMI), by equivalent sources. The advantage of the method is that it allows recreate electromagnetic environment created by on-board devices and a small number of experimental measurements. Studies of real samples of on-board devices can significantly improve modeling accuracy of electromagnetic environment due to the individual features of electromagnetic interference in electrical circuits of each of the devices. This method allows model electromagnetic environment according to geometric dimensions and arrangement of devices anywhere in the spacecraft.

The paper gives examples of modeling of on-board instruments on the basis of the proposed method. As imitators corps on-board devices used metal construction of a cubic structure with attached generators. Initially, the electric field strength is measured using an antenna, then calculates the values of the field theoretical method. The modeling results are presented in the form of the spatial distribution of the electric field.


electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic environment, modeling


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