The paper is devoted to the issues of implementation of the concept of accelerated import substitution by the example of aircraft engine building. Despite the fact that Russia has created a powerful industrial and scientific potential, it does not provide the proper competitiveness of aircraft industry. The situation is near critical since the civil aviation market is lost. For the most part, indexes of effectiveness of home-produced aircraft engines should be adjusted to international standards. It is proved that high efficiency of import substitution of this industry sector can be achieved only using complex approach, based on real and rationally organized integration of science and industry, when manufacturer works in interactive mode with scientific departments and organizations in the course of design of new samples. It also requires upgrade of integrated vertical structure on the principle of cyclical turnaround and horizontal links; provision of in-home cooperation effectiveness; innovation projects and programs, methods and technologies; comprehensive planning and marketing management; high quality and ecological properties assurance; building up unified virtual environment of design and engineering analysis; support of pilot and mass production, after-sale services, inter-industry integration.
The goal of the state policy of import substitution in this situation means creation of favorable conditions for the coordinated development of the multi-project environment, which will reduce or neutralize the risk of uncertainty growth and take into account various effects. Russia is the one of only five countries that can independently develop and produce aircraft engines. Since 2008 Russian airlines have acquired nearly 600 foreign aircraft, and only 59 produced in Russia, while the share of modern Russian aircraft account for about 7% of the total fleet of Russia, and their contribution to total passenger traffic volume is only 4%. Intolerable situation in the park of medium-haul aircraft, where the share of foreign aircraft is about 80%, i. e. it is about the Reconquista own market. In the production of short- haul passenger aircraft SSJ-100 the share of imported suppliers is about 60%. Now you need to bet on the innovation and quality of the engines. Thus, the main directions of improving the competitiveness of the industry include:
drastic improvement of performance, reduction of noise and emission of harmful substances;
cost reduction in the production and operation of aircraft engines;
development of critical technologies with the advanced breakthrough technical solutions and technologies.
In order to improve flight performance the most problematic issue for domestic aircraft engines is achieving optimal values of the following indicators:
the level of reliability of the power plant;
fuel efficiency;
the cost of maintenance of aircraft engines;
compliance with future environmental requirements.
The main directions of implementation of programs aimed at costs reduction are as follows: minimization of losses; outsourcing of services; productivity increase:
upgraded vertical integration of the productive cycle and strengthening horizontal linkages;
ensuring effective inter-organizational interaction.
The substitution in aircraft engine, as a strategically important field, can be effectively achieved only as a result of sound economic policies, creation of the next generation of products based on complex approach, which provides a logical linking of the trajectories of development for individual enterprises producing aircraft engines and other aviation equipment and related industries and activities.
The fast import substitution strategy should be considered as a set of concurrently running projects focused on competitive domestic and foreign markets, for which it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the coordinated development of the multi-project environment.
Accelerated substitution is a public task, which is possible only under condition of use of the integrated approach, where special attention should be paid to financial support in order to establish scientific and technological basis for critical technologies, components and systems for advanced engines and increase their advanced pilot producing during the stage of research.
aircraft engine-building, integration, competitiveness, the concept of accelerated import substitution, critical technologies, potential, economic feasibilityReferences
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