1*, 2**1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,
The article discusses the methodology of restructuring the aircraft manufacturing enterprises based on their division into business units and allocation of industrial park at vacant production areas.
The authors identified three groups of methods of manufacturing assets of aviation enterprises restructuring, and suggested the ways of carrying out the restructuring of aircraft manufacturing enterprises production assets according to the selected groups.
The article presents the performed analysis of the reasons for the unprofitability of the enterprises of aviation industry and determines the groups of factors, which cause it: design-engineering, economic, financial, in-house governance. To eliminate the causes of unprofitability we suggest a package of measures concerning utilization of free production facilities. The basic measure is the restructuring of production assets based on the integration of the plant and industrial park.
For restructuring of production assets of enterprises of the aviation industry we considered normative and legislative acts making provision for such restructuring. We considered the following concepts:, technological park, technological park in the sphere of high technologies, industrial park, business park, technopolis, cluster (technology area), and revealed the differences between these structures.
Examples of creation of technological park at the aircraft-building enterprises are given.
Such concepts as anchor and invited residents are introduced.
We suggest a technological park management structure based on financial accounting centers (FAC), and allocation of functions between FAC and technological park executive heads. We outlined as well the functions of the treasury (accounting and finance center), and showed the ways for increasing the profitability of a profit-center. We assigned to such methods: cost saving, functional and cost analysis of the products to the effect of cost reduction and increase of income and bonus.
The article suggests allocation of functions between FAC and avionic technological park executive heads, and highlights these functions.
restructuring of productive assets, technopolis, industrial park, cluster of financial accounting centers, invited residents, the governance structure of aviation industrial parkReferences
Anthony R.N., Govindarajan V. Management Control Systems, McGraw-Hill, Irwin, Tenth Edition, 2000, 778 p.
Rasporyazhenie Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 10.03.2006 № 328-r (The order of the Government of Russian Federation of 10.03.2006 no. 328-r ), KonsultantPlyus, available at:
Zakon Moskvy ot 6.06.2012 № 22 O nauchno-tekhnicheskoi i innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti v gorode Moskve (The law of Moscow of June 6, 2012 no. 22 About scientific and technical and innovative activity in the city of Moscow), Garant, available at:
etodicheskie rekomendatsii Ministerstva ekonomicheskogo razvitiya po realizatsii klasternoi politiki v sub ektakh Rossiiskoi Federatsii, July 2011 (Methodical recommendations of the Ministry of economic development in realization of cluster policy in subjects of the Russian Federation, July, 2011), available at:
Prikaz Minekonomrazvitiya Rossii ot 23.04.2012. № 223 Ob organizatsii provedeniya konkursnogo otbora subektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii, byudzhetam kotorykh v 2012 godu predostavlyayutsya subsidii dlya finansirovaniya meropriyatii, osushchestvlyaemykh v ramkakh okazaniya gosudarstvennoi podderzhki malogo isrednego predprinimatelstva subektami Rossiiskoi Federatsii (The order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation from 23.04.2012 no. 223 About organization of carrying out competitive selection of subjects of the Russian Federation to which budgets in 2012 subsidies are provided for financing of the actions which are carried out within rendering the state support of small and average business by subjects of the Russian Federation), KonsultantPlyus, available at: — informational site of MAI Copyright © 1994-2024 by MAI |