Methodology of estimation of the required financing schedule of the State defense order


Korovin A. V.

Air Force Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2-5, Aerodromnaya str, Shchelkovo, Moscow region, 141103, Russia



At present, there is an urgent need to re-equip and rearm of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces). Scheduling and control of the state defense order (SDO) are important and of government priorities. Formation of requests in the state defense order is a complex and multi-task issue. Its results affect the great number of people, many areas of military service and combat readiness of the Army as a whole. As practice shows, not sufficient time is allowed for the formation of the proposals for the SDO. Moreover, due to lack of personnel and time, SDO is often planned based on the current situation, focusing on the SDOs of previous years, either by leaving the last years numbers, or increasing them by a certain factor. Without automation of the process of the needs of the troops estimating for a specific planning period, the formation of the SDO is superficial and does not reflect the true state of affairs that is unacceptable in such animportant task as the defense of the country.

To automate the process of developing the plan, the state defense order for a certain planning period was scheduled using the following technique.

A method of short-term forecasting was sel ected and Excel was used as a simulation tool.

The source data includes information on certain types of troops supply with weapons and military equipment in a given year. It is based on the reports fr om the troops.

According to the results of calculations it is possible to build charts and diagrams, representing in a convenient visual form various development strategies, state technical means at a particular level of funding, which allows you to adjust the financing of the state defense order and specific technical systems.

With a minimum set of hardware and software it allows you predict the development, procurement and repair of technical equipment and weapons for the desired period of implementation of the state defense order with quick and accessible representation of the obtained results to the interested military authorities.


state defense order, planning, purchases, technique


  1. Shoigu S.K. Vystuplenie na selektornom soveshchanii Minoborony 14 Yanvarya, available at: (accessed 14.01.2014).

  2. Uokenbakh Dzhon. Formuly v Microsoft Excel 2010 (Formulas in Microsoft Excel 2010), Moscow, Vilyamc, 2011, 704 p. — informational site of MAI

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