A system analysis application for developing of economic-organizing mechanism to educate manpower resources for aircraft industry


Gerashchenko N. N.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Modern aviation industry enterprises become more and more exacting to staff selection. The staff education efficiency by means of traditional techniques does not meet present market requirements. It is for this reason that a combined industrial and educational area is discussed. The area is a complex combined system (CCS), which includes various hierarchical levels. The ultimate goal of the CCS is to provide competitive products while training highly qualified staff. Due to methodological approach proposed in the article a possibility arises to reveal, describe and investigate basic units of the combined industrial and educational area, such as university and aerospace industry enterprise, as well as a collection of system relations. This approach enables also to obtain generalized schemes of cost-effectiveness analysis and assessment for the CCS basic units.

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