About thermodynamics of resonance tube

Propulsion and Power Plants


Kessaev K. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


As applied to a problem of gas dynamic ignition of rocket propellant we analyze the heating-up mechanism inside a deep cavity (resonance tube) when a jet of underexpanded gas enters in it. Analysis of heat exchange between gas and cavity walls shows that there are two stages of the process: on initial stage with a swift temperature increasing the heating is governed by shock-wave oscillations inside the tube and an influence of heat exchange predominates on the next stage with slow temperature increasing. The speed and level of heating are increased when the resonance tube inlet is made in form of supersonic diffuser. Experiments confirm the analysis results. Recommendations for design of effective igniter are presented.

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