Unitized switched mode converters for aircraft on-board electric power complexes

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering complexes and systems


Reznikov S. B.1*, Kharchenko I. A.2**, Averin S. V.3***, Lavrinovich A. V.1****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Central Research and Development Testing Institute of the Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Nakhabino-2, Moscow region, 143432, Russia
3. ,

*e-mail: rezn41@mail.ru
**e-mail: igor8p5@yandex.ru
***e-mail: acb@mai.ru
****e-mail: rewersion@yandex.ru


Schemes of so-called pulse-modulated multilevel voltage inverters with output sine wave, three level (3L NPC) in particular, widely spread thus far, both in home and foreign publications on power electronics. Such inverters are implemented in the devices operating at high switching frequency and requiring high efficiency (low switching losses) and high quality of output energy. Such devices require also low harmonic content and corresponding to it noise emission with acceptable mass and dimensions, dynamic and reliability parameters of output filters, such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), solar batteries inverters, onboard frequency converters, etc.

Three level inverter cell (totem pole) of three-phase off-line voltage inverters with output sine wave represents traditionally a half-bridge pulse modulator based on input two-capacitor structure with grounded center tap (for three phase variant in particular). It also consists of unidirectional four-switch transistor structure with free-wheel and grounding diodes, and output LC circuit. The output LC filter (Lf-Cf) acts as demodulator (low-pass filter). Depending on its parameters relationship it provides various dynamic time lag and degree of robustness (slope ratio) of inverter output volt-ampere characteristic near its operating point. Conduction losses in three-level inverter (3L NPC) are slightly higher, than are those in two-level one. However, three-level inverter provides significant switching losses reduction and allows decrease total power dissipation by 40%, which is especially impressing at high switching rates. SEMIKRON company manufactures SEMITOP & MiniSKiiP dedicated modules based on IGBT intended for invertors design within power range up to 100 kVA. Their structure provides all traditional protection circuits: overvoltage, overcurrent, short circuit and overheating. Moreover, in contains circuits for power switches turn-off in case of through-currents occurrence and active voltage limiting of the power switches.

As an essential shortcoming of methods and means of protection, implemented by the company, we should mention traditionally straightforward approach of foreign companies, according to which they proceed from invariable structure of the power stage (without any attempt to its revising). They pay attention only to control scheme and forming switching trajectories by control signals parameters. Thus, the designers fully neglect theoretically substantiated and tested in practice means, such as soft switching and overcurrent and overload protection, as well as switching heat losses and noise emission reduction. These means are: inductive and capacitance non-dissipating (energy) damping and snubber circuits (DSC), which guarantee switches zero-current turn-on and zero-voltage turn-off. Moreover, there are no attempts to exclude circuits for possible through-currents and inverse diode over currents, disregarding the possibility of their impact of powerful EMI of lightning on driver circuits (regardless of logic circuits of guaranteed pauses etc.).

Another, no less substantial drawbacks, typical to this approach, are the following established traditional approaches to equipment design. They are: a) implementation of input energy-consuming capacitive filters based on electrolytic capacitors with rather low reliability factor (thermal stability, durability, life cycle); b) the lack of inverse current gain-phase adjustment circuits (both for idle and regenerative current), running in a rectifier mode and a corresponding power factor correction, significantly reduced due to AC filtering inductor (ballast) and switching rectifying action; c) implementation of step-down invertor and rectifying modes only, significantly narrowing functional features of conversion (the input-output voltage ratio range); d) low output electricity quality of output power (output voltage form and parameters stability). All above mentioned features do not allow implement well known inverting and rectifying converter circuits to realize universal module design and module-scalable architecture.

With reference of all above said the authors of the paper think that the attempts to implement the circuit design means leading to increasing production and operational effectiveness of so-called bidirectional inverting and rectifying converters (BIRC) do not exhaust themselves. The paper represents the examples of some possible approaches to the matter by means of radical BIRC power circuits upgrade, protected by RF priority.

The original approaches to radical modernization of the traditional three-level sinusoidal voltage inverter proposed in the article are applicable for the design of unitized modules of bidirectional (convertible) inverting and rectifying (or else, rectifying and inverting) converters (BIRC or CRIC) with demodulating and storing reactors, power factor correctors and non-dissipating damping and snubber circuits (for soft switching aimed at reliability and efficiency increase and noise emission reduction).

These circuits can be recommended for the design of unitized modules meant for the synthesis of multi-functional (multi-phase in particular) switched mode converters (MSMC) with functions of direct BIRCs, CRICs, convertible frequency converters (CFC) and switched mode converters, regulated sine currents and voltages inverters (RSC/VI), uninterruptible power sources (UPS) and other types of converters for electrical complexes of module-scalable architecture, which provides high production, assembling and servicing processability, as well as high energy saving, reliability, weight and size and price effectiveness, as well as high quality of power and EMC factors.

This article seems to be interesting to a wide circle of designers of power electronics, especially in the field of aircraft on-board energy supplies, and for designers of fully electrified aircrafts in particular.


bidirectional inverting and rectifying converter, multifunctional switched mode converter, convertible inverting and rectifying converter, damper and snubber circuits


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