Risk assessment at the stage of foundation of a small innovation enterprise in gas turbine engineering


Chernykh N. A.

United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia

e-mail: nadyamih@yandex.ru


The paper considers some specifics of small innovative enterprises foundation in Russian gas-turbine engineering.

The percentage of small innovation enterprises (SIE) that pertain to the space-rocket hardware and gas turbine equipment in Russia is currently low. This can be explained by the fact, that commercialization of the results of scientific research in such a science-consuming industry as gas turbine engineering, where prospects are of no guarantee, presents high risks.

The author considered the example of a small innovation enterprise foundation in Russian gas turbine engineering with participation of a large gas-turbine engineering company and venture capital. SIE 1 has for its object development and commercialization one of the advanced competences in the sphere of parts design, development of industrial technologies and short-run production for gas-turbine engines.

At a project startup stage in gas-turbine engineering, Russian practice is characterized by common mistakes, which may turn into a real threat of risk situations occurrence in the sequel. These threats involve insufficient presentation; incompleteness of the products and services; the absence of unbiased price-quality relationship; low efficiency of labor caused by its wrong organization; ignoring legal questions of the case; irresponsiveness for the project executing; input barriers and volume of investment underestimation.

The set of methods for economic risk assessment, suggested by the author, allows get reliable information about the risk in tome. Such information is necessary for risk management, and can be recommended to assess investment qualities of investment objects during foundation of innovative small economic environment of Russian gas-turbine engineering companies.


gas turbine engineering, small innovation enterprise, economic risk assessment, effectiveness of investments


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