Metallurgy and Material Science
Material science
Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
e-mail: alek-kazmin@ya.ru
Experimental studies of properties of radio absorbent materials and coatings to solve the problem of aviation complexes radar visibility reduction hold a unique position. Foreign and domestic proves that without development of laboratory and testing site base achieving sound results on this issue is impossible. One of the main problems of experimental research within the framework of the problem of the radar signature reduction is the study of physical parameters of radio absorbent materials.
The purpose of the research is to develop a new measuring technique of radio absorbent and composite materials complex permittivity.
The method consists in measuring signals in orthogonal channels of a receiving device (special horn antenna) as the ratio of voltage and phase difference. For a specified voltage ratio and phase difference, we introduce such notion as “phasor”. Phasor modulus and its phase angle characterize real and imaginary parts of a material complex permittivity. This technique demonstrates improved accuracy due to account for the imaginary part of permittivity.
A special horn antenna allows increasing the penetrating power of electromagnetic waves and reduce the “effective” radius of the field interaction zone with the material. The antenna consists of a dual H-waveguide, two orthogonally arranged two receiving and two transmitting dipoles.
The paper presents measuring and computing system implementing the abovementioned method. The system consists of measuring system, mathematical support and software.
The results of experimental research of different dielectric materials, including samples of radio absorbent and composite materials are presented. Experimental studies confirm the high accuracy and sensitivity of the developed technique.
The “phasor” technique can be effectively used for studying physical parameters of existing and prospective models of radio-absorbent and composite materials for aviation complexes.
phasor technique, permittivity, radio absorbent material, measurement, defect detection, special horn antennaReferences
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