Small gas turbine engines combustion chambers geometriс resizing and integral parameters changing trends

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Lanskii A. M.*, Lukachev S. V.**, Kolomzarov O. V.***

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia



The article considers the development of small gas turbine engine combustion chamber draft design. Though it occupies relatively short period of time, it is an extremely important element in reference to the engine lifecycle period. The draft design results allow obtain all necessary information about both the combustion chamber as a whole and its constituent parts.

The small-sized gas turbine engine combustion chamber draft design allows determine its shape and the features of its embodiment. Geometry selection and integrated parameters evaluation with account for turbocharger components composite action is important due to incomplete information on these matters.

The paper presents the results of the statistical data processing of geometric parameters and integral characteristics of the GTE combustion chambers. Complex correlation functions were obtained by methods of mathematical statistics. Correlation functions describe the structure and geometry: primary zone operating parameters and combustion chamber integral characteristics such as: flame tube volume (VFT), relative length of flame tube(LFT/VFT), nozzles relative pitch, combustion efficiency, residence time, forcing coefficient (KV), thermal factor (QVP) and relative areas of internal and external channels. Changing of the abovementioned values depends on consumable complex (GCC). Table below presents results of the statistical data processing. Most coefficient of determination values lay within the range of 0.06 to 0.7.

Not all of the dependencies have high coefficients of determination. However, this does not exclude the possibility of their use in the preliminary assessment of the gas turbine engine combustion chambers structural and integral parameters.


small-sized gas turbine engine, combustion chamber, construction and geometric sizes, integral parameters, correlation and regression dependencies, draft design


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