Active protecting elements cast ballistic support while small-sized high-speed objects operation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Nikolaev A. V.*, Pashko A. D.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The article analyses the state-of-the-art of aviation guided missiles development. Today guided missiles guidance systems thermal imaging coordinators have widespread application. Reading units with digital image processing and fiber optics gain maximum acceptance.

The problem of guided missile neutralizing at a safe distance from the defended aircraft was solved. An approach allowing increase the safety of a defended aircraft through ballistic support of active protecting elements casting was considered.

This method employs the automatic ejection unit allowing ejection of active protecting elements in the required direction. Furthermore, the on-board information systems, computer, mother ship measurement sensors and ejecting unit are integrated into unified complex.

A model of active protecting element movement for on-board ballistic algorithms synthesis was created. It allows develop mathematical tools defending complex dataware while active protecting elements implementation, scientific and methodological tools for their effectiveness evaluation. Rational implementation of active protecting elements as a part of aircraft system was substantiated. The developed algorithm allows realize the conditions of active protecting element implementation in real technical applications, operating within the aviation system.

While determining the parameters of guided missile movement relative to an aircraft, the trajectory of the rocket movement was predicted according to the guidance mode employed by the missile. For this purpose the guidance system obtains the information on coordinates and other aircraft and missile movement patterns at every time instant. It sets the character of their interrelation, determines the degree of this interrelation disruption. Based on this information it forms the parameters and control signals, providing the required movement of a rocket to an aircraft.

Using navigation and weapon-aiming system computing capabilities, together with on-board defensive systems the time of a missile closing-in with and aircraft was computed. Ballistic model of active protecting element casting ensuring its encounter with a guided missile was developed.

The result of the algorithm operation provides neutralizing of a rocket in the air, thus preserving an aircraft performance ability.


aircraft protection system, airborne guided missile, active protection element


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