Combined power-supply systems based on reversible rotary and static converters for Fully-Electrified-Aircraft

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering complexes and systems


Reznikov S. B.1*, Syroezhkin E. V.1**, Kharchenko I. A.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Central Research and Development Testing Institute of the Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Nakhabino-2, Moscow region, 143432, Russia



The realization of so-called “Fully-Electrified-Aircraft” concept (i. e. without any on-board air-powered and fluid drives) assumes a significant power increase of on-board main electric generator (up to 500 kW per a single power installation with two build-in high-speed generators).

Up to date, cascaded-synchronous generators with brushless electromagnetic rotor excitation from synchronous cross-field exciter through uncontrolled rotating rectifier-exciter were traditionally used as the main electric generators (including starter-generators) with capacity range from 30 kW to 250 kW. Their essential drawbacks are as follows:

– low reliability and significant rotor excitation system time lag;

– structural complexity of salient-pole rotor design;

– relatively small starting torque in starter (asynchronous) mode;

The cascade generator without constant rotary speed driving gear replacement by magneto-electric generator (with rotary permanent magnets) leads to the following complications:

– The necessity of implementing fast powerful emergency releaser on the drive shaft to provide armature-coil short circuit protection;

– Significant structure oversize due to winding coil isolation strengthening with relatively high rotation speed to armature EMF ratio (more than 2-2.5);

– The necessity to install a full-size (with respect to power) armature circuit static voltage regulator.

Due to power pulse electronics as well as static power converters digital control systems development the electrical motor starter-generators without constant rotary speed driving gear alternative appeared, namely, asynchronous starter-generator with self-excitation in generating mode within small sliding range over armature circuit via high-performance transistor controlled sine- wave voltage inverter. With that, the excitation power in armature circuit (with insignificant sliding value up to 5-7%) is relatively small.

The following positive moments should be taken into account for such alternative justification:

  1. undisputed advantages of a classic asynchronous motor with «squirrel cage» rotor circuit are as follows: reliability, workability, high rotation speed, small air gap, wide variety of cooling facilities, thermal stability, fair weight and size parameters and starting performance;

  2. higher voltage combined AC-DC power supply system of displays decent electric energy compatibility with the voltage inverted supply circuit with higher DC voltage of 0 + 270 V and grounded mid-potential conductor;

  3. synchronous compensator with permanent magnets can be used for self-excitation to unload the sine wave voltage inverter in AM-generating mode;

  4. asynchronous generators with excitation from sine-wave voltage inverters together with synchronous equalizer, allow provide trouble-free parallel operation of two and even more AC power-supply channels.

The last of the above-listed factors has significant limitations. That is why combined AC-DC power supply systems without constant-rotary-speed-driving gear assume usually parallel operation only for the channels with DC (rectified) voltage (270 V or 540 V) irrespective of the types of main generators.

With such local sub-systems integration into common centralized power-supply system (270...540 V) with high specified total power (up to 1 kW) provides high quality electric power both in static and dynamic (transitional) modes.

It seems a reasonable try to realize a trade-off (at least at the present time) combined system for AC-DC higher voltage power-supply system with separate main channels of higher power generating and distribution subsystems of three types fixed in the Russian State Standard “P 54073-2010”:

1) three-phase unstable (“floating) frequency AC voltage: 115/200V or 230/400V, 360-800Hz; 2) higher DC voltage: ± 270V or ± 540V; 3) three-phase stable frequency AC voltage: 115/200V or 230/400V, 400 Hz.

As to separate classic backup low-voltage ( ± 27 V) DC power-supply sub-system with rechargeable battery regulated by Russian State Standard for low-voltage power consumers as well as backup electric-motor and/or convertor-invertor transducers — its presence, surely, is provided with any power-supply system version.

While designing up-to-date high-performance on-board electronic and electrical system distinguished by their weight-dimension, reliability, value and operation- economical parameters the preference should be given to a unified modular power-scalable architecture. At that, the best effectiveness is obtained under corresponding circuit design selection for equipment modules with reversible (bidirectional) conversion, such as, buck/boost reversible switched mode converters (direct or transformer versions – 270/27 V); reversible rectifying-inverter converters with power factor correction (115/200 V – 0 ± 270V), reversible frequency converter (360...800 Hz/400Hz) and the others as well as multifunctional pulse converters. These preferences provide rather flexible adaptivity in various units, devices, assemblages and sub-systems upgrading.

AC-DC combined power-supply system structures based on reversible electric-machine (starter-generator and engine-compensatory) and static (rectifying- inverter, inverter-rectifying and various-frequency) converters examined in this article successfully meet basic criterion that is submitted to a promising Fully- Electrified-Aircraft electrical equipment. The suggested circuit design for the main power-supply channels and converters seems to be suitable for A/M scalable systems of versatile modular architecture with high mass-energy, reliability and operation-economical effectiveness. It should be noted that such a circuit design is protected by Russian Federation priority.


combined power-supply system, invertible convertible electric machine converter, convertible invertible static converter, revolving controlled rectifier, magneto-electric generator, three-phase reversible rectifying-inverter convertor, reversible transformer pulse converter


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