Switching algorithms optimization for vector pulse-width modulation inverters

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering complexes and systems


Le D. T.1*, Averin S. V.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: letiep1@mail.ru
**e-mail: acb@mai.ru


Implementation of vector pulse width modulation (VPWM) for of aircraft electric motor drives systems converters becomes one of topical trends. VPWM nowadays found application in many branches of industry and manufacturing to provide the quality of various electric motor drive systems control. Depending on motor connection to the inverter method several options of developing the power stage of the inverter are possible. The paper presents the structures most frequently used in practice. VPWM realization with three-phase bridge is most expedient. To control voltages across motor windings with microprocessor unit it is necessary to connect control action with switching sequence of power switches by analytic expression. It is necessary herewith to bear in mind that power semiconductor devices switching does not happen instantaneously. To obtain optimal analytic expression we used the technique based on Karnaugh-Veitch maps. The paper presents Karnaugh maps and command word (CW) generation for a three-phase bridge corresponding to the specified switching algorithm. It shows Karnaugh map permitted transitions. To obtain necessary command word allowing through currents elimination we suggest implementation of additional vectors. The states of power switches corresponding to these vectors are also presented. The paper presets such vector generating sequences, where the through currents do not occur, as well as the states preventing motor discontinuous currents. Analysis of suggested algorithms was carried out using MATLAB. Computer model of VPWM is presented. Breadboard testing fully confirmed the efficiency of suggested algorithms. The obtained analytical expressions for switching algorithms command word generation allowed eliminate through currents, reduce speed fluctuation amplitudes and induction motor torque ripples, as well as motor drive response speed.


pulse-width modulation (PWM), electric motor drive, induction motor, vector PWM, Karnaugh map, three-phase inverter


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