Determination of aerodynamic characteristics of an elastic wing with end winglets turning in its plane

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles


Tyutyunnikov N. P.*, Shklyarchuk F. N.**

Institute of Applied Mechanics of Russian Academy of Science, IAM RAS, 32a, Leninskii av., Moscow, В-334, GSP-1, 119991, Russia



Possibility of control by aerodynamic characteristics of a large aspect ratio elastic wing with the end winglets turning in the wing plane is investigated.

Controlled twisting of the elastic wing in flight subjected to aerodynamic load which depends on the wing twisting can be carried out by turning of small end winglets in the wing plane with the help of a small power drive.

The coupled aeroelasticity problem is solved using mathematical model based on the discrete vortex method for calculation of aerodynamic loads on deformable wing and the wing as a thin-walled weackly-conical beam subjected to bending, transverse shear and torsion.

The numerical solution of the aeroelasticity problem is obtained for the large aspect ratio wing with the winglets turning symmetrically forward or backwards in the wing plane. Due to turning of the winglets there appear the end aerodynamic moments which cause elastic twisting of the wing and change the distribution of the aerodynamic load along the wing.

For the example of a rectangular wing with the winglets it is shown that the turning of the winglets it is shown that the turning of the winglets in the wing plane creates the end torques and significant angles of twisting of the large aspect ratio wing and as a consequence significant change of the aerodynamic loads and the wing aerodynamic characteristics.

The results of calculation show that in a case of a wing which is sufficiently pliant in twisting in the wing plane at the angle δ can be effective for control of the wing aerodynamic characteristics . In case of a wing which is sufficiently rigid in twisting the winglets become ineffective.


control, large aspect ratio wing, turning winglets, aerodynamic characteristics, aeroelasticity, discrete vortex method, bay method


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