Maneuverable aircraft horizontal empennage configurations multidisciplinary optimization

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Romanova T. N.1*, Paschenko O. B.2**, Gavrilova N. Y.2***, Shchetinin G. A.1****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. Russian Aircraft Corporation «MiG», 7, 1st Botkinsky passage, Moscow, 125284, Russia



The presented work is dedicated to horizontal empennage multidisciplinary optimization method development. Horizontal empennage is a complex technical system, described by the equations belonged to various scientific disciplines. That is why the developed method is called multidisciplinary. The horizontal empennage efficiency can be evaluated by the values of generated pitch moment and its gradient, guaranteeing the aircraft balancing and specified flight maneuver execution. The object region analysis was carried out and various parameters combinations for optimization within the framework of the given problem were determined. We determine optimization line and specify weighting factor for each parameter. Each of the parameters can be set either as a range-parameter, fixed-value, or a set of discrete values. Besides, the simultaneous several parameter setting by a set of tuples, containing discrete parameters values, is possible. The goal function is obtained (where the number of addends is determined by the number of optimized parameters). The goal function structure allows operate with all optimized parameters combinations, regardless of the way of their specifying.

Various approaches to the horizontal empennage optimization (methods employing the Pareto principle, and the Hurwitz criterion) were studied. The analysis of the obtained results revealed the insufficient efficiency of the implemented methods. To improve the obtained results, a new multidisciplinary optimization method was developed and suggested. This method employs several evaluation functions to obtain optimal solution. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated using various data sets and input data combinations. The effect of various weighting factors values on the obtained result was studied. The result of the suggested method implementation is horizontal empennage geometrics.

The suggested method was realized in the form of a Runtime library and integrated into CAD system Siemens NX 7.5 “Modeling” environment.


multicriteria optimization, Pareto principle, Hurwitz criterion, restrictive function, aircraft horizontal empennage, horizontal empennage moment


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