On effect of electrical charge on fuel drops surface tension at the atomizer outlet

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Kolodyazhnyi D. Y.1, Nagornyi V. S.2*, Smirnovskii A. A.2

1. United shipbuilding Corporation, 90, Marata str., St. Petersburg, 191119, Russia
2. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia

*e-mail: nagorny.vladim@yandex.ru


High-speed transport design, aircraft engines ecology and higher energy efficiency guarantee by improving fuel atomization and air-kerosene mixture quality in aircraft engines intensive research is carried out. To improve fuel atomization and air-kerosene mixture burning we suggest the use properly shaped electric fields in atomizer fuel supplying contours. For the first time the authors studied the effect of variable frequency AC electric field on combustion products chemical composition, when employing kerosene TS-1. Experimental results on the effect of variable frequency AC electric field on air-kerosene mixture combustion products burning rate were presented for the first time.

Post-combustion flow speed measuring at the simulative combustion chamber outlet were carried out at Samara State Aero-space University (SSAU).

Air-fuel mixture combustion products burning speed experimental determination technique was developed at SSAU. It forms the basis of the research on the effect of AC electric field on air-kerosene combustion mixture products speeds.

Employing the speed measuring data, computations of superficial velocity and mass flow ratio were carried out using well-known equations for gas-dynamic functions.

The result of experimentation consists in creating Microsoft Access database file with further possible export to Excel.

Experimental studies were carried out at SSAU on a single-burner bay of a simulative combustion chamber with operational OJSC “Klimov” duplex nozzle for liquid fuel. We employed a swirler with blades angle φ = 72°10′; gas collector with cone outlet diameter of 133 mm; square spacer plate with square cross-section shaped with square side of 180 mm and a baseline case of offset area holes, when mixer apertures were open. Kerosene TS-1 was used as fuel. Low-pressure compressed air was fed under pressure ≤ 0.75 MPa, and solid tracing particles were used for laser measurements of Ch-4 type.

When the AC electric field was applied to kerosene along each diameter, prior to feeding to atomizer, speed values move intermittently up and down. With this, air-kerosene mixture combustion products maximum relative speed reduction was 2.45%, while maximum relative speed of air-kerosene mixture combustion products with applied to kerosene flow AC electric field at the outlet of combustion chamber was 1.425.


electric charge, fuel drop, surface tension, atomizer


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