Methods and means for thermal-protective materials development verification under climatic effects conditions

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Afanas'ev V. A.1*, Tushavina O. V.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



Revealing climatic conditions effect in the course of pre-launch procedure of reusable space system is a necessary condition of thermal protection structural components ground development. The climatic tests experiment must simulate positive and negative temperature effects, as well as humidity and precipitation effects. The climatic tests algorithm is designed as a unified processing chain of test set up when a number of simultaneous or consecutive experiments are conducted at the experimental testing bench. The algorithm includes thermal-stability, low-temperature stability, moisture and weather resistance tests. The presented paper describes methods of reusable thermal-protective materials structure testing under the above- mentioned conditions as well as techniques for thermal protection structural elements testing for day-night and seasonal cycling.

Recommendations on carrying out the accelerated tests for climatic firmness are given. The approximate scheme of the main climatic factors affecting heat- protective material change in the experiment within the full-year cycle is presented.

It is noted, that experimental means for carrying out tests in the conditions of climatic influences must present a constituent part of the experimental means intended for the tests in the conditions of multiple-factor impact on of thermal protection materials.

The schematic diagram and photos of the test bench and its components used for heat-shielding reusable materials tests is provided.

The suggested methods and experimental facilities for conducting thermal-protective materials climatic tests on multivariable screen tests of tile-type thermal- protective structural elements can be used for consistent assessment of their working efficiency during ground tests. Ground tests of spacecraft units and plants can be conducted by simulating only the major external factors whereas secondary factors impact can be taken into account by introducing corresponding coefficients.


reusable thermal-protective material, climatic testing routine, experimental means for multifactor tests


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