Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles
1*, 1**, 2***1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. 929th State flight-test center of the defence Ministry named after V.P. Chkalov, Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, 416500, Russia
*e-mail: denpeas@mail.ru
**e-mail: efanov55@mail.ru
***e-mail: Kostyan_3d@rambler.ru
This work relevance is stipulated by the necessity of airborne uncontrolled objet implementation accuracy to fulfill such tasks as forest fire extinguishing, large cargoes airlift delivery, etc. At present, conventional aiming systems do not provide uncontrolled object implementation effectiveness in full measure, since the onboard ballistic algorithm employs approximating equations and demonstrates low accuracy.
The authors suggest employ uncontrolled object motion complete ballistic model to improve onboard ballistic algorithm accuracy. The initial conditions can be obtained by determining uncontrolled object motion parameters based on radar signal reprocessing. These parameters determination can be realized with the algorithm, which description and structure are presented in this paper.
The paper presents computation results of the signal reflected from an uncontrolled object. These signals reveal that at the distances of up to 200 m secondary modulation harmonics of the first and second order are quite observable in the reflected signal spectrum, under condition of long-continued coherent integration of the signal.
The main advantage of this algorithm consists in the procedure of obtaining the unmanaged missile accurate initial conditions, based on the interpretation of the Dopplers effect together with complex application of known mathematical methods of signal processing. The reflected signal from uncontrolled object processing allows obtaining uncontrolled object launching (drop) angle, relative to the center of mass position, velocity and motion trajectory.
movement parameters algorithm, onboard ballistic algorithm, initial conditions, radar signal, Fourier transformReferences
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