Study of overloads occurring while special long loads transportation, carried out by two-link tractors

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Mechanisms and machines theory


Moiseev K. A.1*, Panov Y. N.2**, Moiseev K. K.3

1. Peter the Great Strategic Missile Troops Academy, 17, Brigadnaya str., Serpukhov, Moscow region, 142210, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
3. Gazprom transgaz Moscow, 101, building 1, poselok Gazoprovod, poselenie Sosenskoe, Moscow, 108814, Russia



The paper presents a method for determination of overloads in the cross-section of long restricted articles, which can be employed at the initial stages of launching vehicles (LV) springing systems based on two-link tractor, while moving through rugged topography terrain, peculiar to Arctic zone of Russian Federation.

To evaluate overloads in in the cross-section of long restricted article the authors developed mathematical models of “two-link tractor — long restricted article” interdependent system, composed on the assumption of hitch mechanism infinite stiffness, when the LV presents infinite stiffness body, which practically eliminates the possibility of resonant speed modes occurrence while acceleration and moving with maximum speed.

The system of differential equations describing dynamic behavior of two-link tractor is divided into three less complicated systems of differential equations, which are solved by the original analytical method, namely combination method. This method is highly effective for dynamic systems study, if a differential equation does not exceed the sixth order. It presents an integral combination of symbolical and parameters variation methods. The symbolical method allows construct the resulting equation for the initial system of differential equations, and find dissipation and eigen frequency factors for the system under consideration. Parameters variation method, based on the solution obtained by symbolical method allows determine specific solution of the initial system of differential equations in the form convenient for the analysis.

The obtained results may be of interest to organizations involved in the design of viscoelastic suspensions not only for caterpillar tractors, but also for road and air transport, and exploring emerging overload of cargoes in extreme conditions.

According to the obtained results the conclusions on the expediency of operation of the hitch mechanism providing absolute rigidity of the coupling links of the tractor when moving on ground with periodic roughness in extreme operation conditions.


prospective self-propelled rocket launcher complex computational model, mathematical model, system of differential equations, soft riding, ground periodic irregularities, hitch mechanism, suspension, uniform beam


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