Aluminum based alloys with rare-earth metals additives application for rocket-and-space engineering

Metallurgy and Material Science

Metal science and thermal processing of metals and alloys


Agafonov R. Y.1*, Vilkov F. E.1**, Kasitsyn A. N.1***, Predko P. Y.2****, Marchenkov A. Y.3*****

1. Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia
2. All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys, 2, Gorbunova str., Moscow, 121596, Russia
3. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



Nowadays “AMg6”, “D16” and “AMn” aluminum alloys are traditionally used for space technology. Application of new advanced aluminum-based materials with of rare-earths additives instead of traditionally used alloys would enhance the electronic components protection from the space ionizing radiation due to alloying with high radiation absorbing elements. Whereas chemical composition manufacturing technique optimization will improve, alloys' mechanical properties compared to conventionally used, which will allow decrease weight and size parameters of the design.

Tests carried out by Russia's space industry leading organizations revealed significant preeminence of new alloys compared to conventionally used with regard to protection against outer space ionizing radiation properties, and corresponding to them ability to chemical electroplating. Aluminum based alloys specific mass with rare-earth additives is 2.9 g/cm3 on the average.

This paper is focused on the study of the three different alloying systems: 1 – Al-Dy-La-Cr-Zr, 2 – Al- Ce-Cr-Zr, 3 – Al-Mg-Sc-Zr-La-Ce; with rare-earths content not exceeding 11%, 7% and 9% by weight respectively. Each of the studied alloys, regarded as a material for spacecraft electronic equipment casing has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Increasing the rare-earth metals content in the alloy we can attain both better protective characteristics against space ionizing radiation, and aluminum based alloys with rare-earth additives welding properties improvement. Tough their density herewith will increase. Thus, it is necessary to pay special attention to improve mechanical properties of the basic metal and welding joints to prevent weight and size parameters of the design. Mechanical properties improvement with density reduction may, in some degree, be achieved by rare-earth aluminide phases' dispergating and increasing their density distribution in the alloy groundmass.


aluminum alloys with rare-earth metals additives, dysprosium, lanthanum, cerium, spacecraft radiation protection, space ionizing radiation, tensile strength, yield strength, elongation


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