“Optimization techniques through examples and tasks” computer-based educational unit as a tool to support self-instruction of students while studying the “Optimization techniques” course

Computer Science and Control


Panteleyev A. V.1*, Letova T. А.2**, Kondakov V. K.2***

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: avpanteleev@inbox.ru
**e-mail: dep805@mai.ru
***e-mail: valkoivo@newmail.ru


«Optimization techniques through examples and tasks» computer-based educational unit is developed as a tool to support self-ins a tool to support self-instruction of students while truction of st consists of the «Optimization techniques through examples and tasks» textbook and a teaching program associated closely with the textbook issued by the «Higher School» publishing house in the year 2004. The teaching program is developed in the TBBuilder 2 software environment basing on the requirements to the educational units. udents while studying the «Optimization techniques» course. The unit consists of the «Optimization techniques through examples and tasks» textbook and a teaching program associated closely with the textbook issued by the «Higher School» publishing house in the year 2004. The teaching program is developed in the TBBuilder 2 software environment basing on the requirements to the educational units.

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