Spacecraft and Rockets
*,Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: balikv@gmail.com
Stability conditions are formulated for design decisions in respect of multiple-factor uncertainty caused by target and environment states. Considerations are introduced for design choices, which are stable to themultiple-factor uncertainty. These choices are presented as dynamically varying statistical sampling. Regularization rules are derived for initial set of the design choices basing on the Lipschitz condition. A toy missile control problem is solved using the regularization rules to demonstrate peculiarities of selection process for the stable design choice in conditions of multiple-factor
uncertainty caused with the target behavior. A layout is suggested to synthesize statistically stable algorithmic and software control solutions under the multiple-factor uncertainty. An appropriate software tools are developed to support design of stable control laws for unmanned vehicles operating in multiple-factor uncertainty conditions.
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