Development prospects for regenerating life support systems in regard to long-term manned space flights: A preliminary analysis

Spacecraft and Rockets


Bobe L. S.1, Gavrilov L. I.1, Kurmazenko E. A.2*

1. Research Institute, NIIchimmach, 14, Novodmitrovskaya, Moscow, 127015, Russia
2. Scientific Research and Design Institute of Chemical Engineering, NIIchimmash, 14, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia



Capabilities evaluation is carried out to develop a space-crew integrated regenerative life support  system
(IRLSS) intended for accomplishment of long-term autonomous spaceflights to the Mars and to the Moon.
Features and functions for the IRLSS are discussed as well as engineering requirements and constraints in
regard to spaceflight conditions. Preliminary analysis
results show that development of the IRLSS for interplanetary spaceflights can be based partially on design choices and engineering processes used in modern systems for orbital flights. Some possible concepts are introduced for advanced regenerative water supply
systems and for air revitalization and monitoring systems in the spaceflight conditions. — informational site of MAI

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