An estimation of influence zone for electric field generated with overhead power transmission line

Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics


Vinnikov V. V.*, Reviznikov D. L.**, Sposobin A. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A numerical simulation is discussed for thermo-erosion body destruction in supersonic flow with impurity of particles in it. An integrated mathematical model is presented including a two-phase flow in shock layer model as well as a heat-and-mass transfer model for ablative heat-resistant coating. The model of two-phase shock layer is build basing on a combination of Euler description for a gas phase and Lagrangian description for a disperse phase. A full-scale version of discrete-element method is used basing on direct numerical simulation of the impurity dynamics. Computational results are described for numerical simulation of thermo-erosion destruction for a circular cylinder. These data take into account an influence of shape changes for the streamlined body caused by mass losses on characteristics of the two-phase shock layer.


two-phase gas dynamics; supersonic heterogeneous flows; thermo-erosion destruction; numerical simulation — informational site of MAI

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