Propulsion and Power Plants


Degtiarev S. A.1*, Leontiev M. K.2**

1. Scientific and technical centre of rotor dynamic «Alfa-Tranzit», 1, Leningradskaya str., Khimky, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Results of dynamical properties simulation are discussed for a multiplication unit used in compressor
test bed. Investigations are carried out both in linear and nonlinear statements. A linearization is performed for operational modes typical for the multiplication unit.
Computations using nonlinear and nonstationary model allow to reveal stability boundaries for plain bearing
based output shaft of the multiplication unit. The boundaries are computed subject to a loading, which is propagated by the unit from a gas-turbine drive to the
compressor to be tested. Boundary conditions are also taken into account for the ends of input and output
shafts of the multiplication unit. — informational site of MAI

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