Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
1*, 2**1. Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia
2. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
*e-mail: moshkov89@bk.ru, p_moshkov@ssj.irkut.com
**e-mail: samohin_vf@mail.ru
In recent years, the problem of acoustic signature has become particularly actual and a topical due to the extensive use of combat aircraft systems with unmanned structures, solving decisive reconnaissance and strike tasks, for which low figures of acoustic signature ensuring is of prime importance.
The paper considers basic techniques for engine-propeller power plant noise reduction of aircraft type UAVs, including single air propellers of various structures and configuration, as well as piston engines.
Based on semi-empirical model the authors proposed equations allowing evaluate the effect of the diameter and number of blades on tonal components of the propeller noise in the condition of constant thrust, aerodynamic and geometric similarity of blade profiles, as well as the Mach number of the tip speed. Acoustic testing of Yak-18T light aircraft with two- and three-blade propellers, F30 and MAI-223M, performed at the Moscow Aviation Institute airfield, generally confirmed these equations qualitatively.
The propeller diameter decrease of a small-sized UAV with piston engine was considered as one of the options for noise and signature reduction. It was found, that the diameter decrease by 3.3% resulted in approximately 300 meters reduction of the distance to the ground checkpoint, which a small-sized UAV can approach without the possibility of being detected.
The features of acoustic pusher propellers and proposed methods for noise reduction are described. Based on the flight test the aircraft noise reduction afield technique by axial clearance increasing between the pusher propeller and the wing located in front of it was proposed. The paper demonstrates that with the considered clearance increase by an amount greater than the wing chord, the negative effect of the propeller mounting in pushing arrangement is practically eliminated.
UAVs designers can implement the engine-propeller power plant noise reduction methods, presented in the paper. Finally, the authors outlined the ways of further studies aimed at solving the problem of developing low-noise power plants for small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles.
acoustics signature, aircraft audibility, detectability, unmanned aerial vehicle, propeller noise, piston engine noise, engine-propeller power plant, noise reduction methods, acoustic locationReferences
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