Electric field effect on kerosene-air mixture combustion products temperature distribution

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Kolodyazhnyi D. Y.1, Nagornyi V. S.2*

1. United shipbuilding Corporation, 90, Marata str., St. Petersburg, 191119, Russia
2. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia

*e-mail: nagorny.vladim@yandex.ru


The paper presents the results the experimental study of appropriately organized electric field effect, using electric unit for aviation kerosene impact (EUAKI), applied to kerosene flow at the nozzle inlet, on the kerosene-air mixture burnout temperature. TC-1 kerosene was used as hydrocarbon fuel. The air was fed to combustion chamber at the temperature of 150°C. Fire tests were carried out on the Samara State Aerospace University workbench.

Experiments on gas temperature at the outlet of combustion chamber gas collector characterization were performed by direct gas temperature measurement with single-point chromel-alumel thermocouple (operating temperature range from 0 to 1,100°C) shifted in the plane of the flow cross-section at the distance of 20 mm from the gas collector cutoff of combustion chamber combustor can.

The electric field parameters, such as voltage type at the EUAKI electrodes, its amplitude and frequency, and EUAKI design parameters effect on gas temperature distribution at the combustion chamber outlet while kerosene-air mixture burning. Atomizer modules herein, consisting of SPA “Salut” fuel atomizer itself and various EUAKI design with electric fields organization from different electric power supplies were varied.

It was demonstrated that implementation of EUAKI directly connected to the fuel atomizer inlet as a part of atomizer module by rubber hoses with corresponding permittivity increases the average and maximum gas temperature at the gas collector outlet up to 4.09% and 4.88% correspondingly, reduces gas temperature field non-uniformity at the combustion chamber outlet by 10.34% relative to the base.


kerosene-air mix burning in electric field, aviation engine combustion chamber, combustion products


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