Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles
*,Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
*e-mail: denpeas@mail.ru
The paper deals with accuracy increase of uncontrollable aviation ground target killers implementation. It was found that the existing aiming systems use approximating dependencies in onboard ballistic algorithm, which does not allow provide high accuracy in all combat conditions due to introduction multitudes of assumptions.
As is well known, the kernel of a ballistic movement complete mathematical model consists in the system of twelve differential equations, which solution requires the set of means, ensuring its numerical functioning. These include equations describing ambient environment parameters, the system of inertial, traction and aerodynamic characteristics of ballistic objects, as well as data on initial and terminal conditions of thrown bodies' movement. Until recently, the low speed of computing facilities hampered with obtaining solution of uncontrolled air-launched weapons movement differential equations in the course of aiming. However, todays level of onboard digital technology allows overcome this shortcoming.
Therefore, in these conditions we have the possibility to realize the onboard ballistic algorithm based on numerical solution of differential equations directly onboard an aircraft in the course of aiming.
The authors analyzed the ballistic problems solution accuracy during modern aiming systems terrestrial fire, implementing approximating dependencies in onboard ballistic algorithm, and revealed their main shortcoming, namely, impossibility of ensuring high accuracy of application in all conditions of combat operation, as well as with various operating lives. New technique and ballistic support algorithm for aviation uncontrolled destruction facilities were developed based on complete ballistic movement model solution. It allowed enhance the range of tactical employment due to firing initial conditions definition, atmospheric parameters, and aviation destruction facilities movement trajectories parameters definition; nutation angle prediction; flight trajectory parameters introduction into aiming system, and angular correction computation for aviation artillery-type weapon and uncontrolled aviation missiles, with allowance for the predicted nutation angle.
aiming problem, ballistic support algorithm, complete ballistic model, motion parametersReferences
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