Innovative-investment activities organization and management in small business


Aminova G. A.*, Tikhonov G. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The important role in development stability and efficiency enhancement of national economy belongs to small and medium business (SMB), as an echelon of economic dynamics. This is confirmed by the experience of economically developed countries, where the share of small businesses constitutes 56% of GDP. It should be noted that the of SMEs successful development in these countries became possible due to active government support (tax, legal, organizational, personnel, etc.). Unfortunately, in Russia small business is developing slowly, and one of the important reasons consists in the the lack of systematic State support. Today, in the conditions of economic crisis caused by the endless sanctions, special attention should be given to small businesses in the manufacturing industries, especially in machine-building industry. All the more so, in these industries, small business accounts for only 15-16% of all active small businesses. It is important to note, that development in these sectors should be based on close cooperation with large corporations. In this situation, small business can take the risk of the releasing new prototypes of high-tech industrial products. They can also take over the production of components for large enterprises, thereby reducing costs. Organization of small businesses in these sectors requires a fundamentally new approach. At the stage of economy modernization the SMBs need a more sophisticated system of Government support, which should include: development of programs for the development of SMBs cooperative relationships with large manufacturing structures, creating conditions for access to the scientific and technological achievements; assistance in professional staff training and retraining. Thus, for radical strengthening of small and medium business role in manufacturing industry it is necessary to develop a fundamentally new strategy of state support, that will contribute to the development of the organization and management of innovative-investment activities in small business.


small and medium business (SMB), innovation, investment functions, SME State support, business incubator, institutional mechanisms


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