Low-emission combustion chamber of diffusion type employing micro flame burning process for converted aircraft gas turbine engine

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia

e-mail: andreybaklanov@bk.ru


Combustion of fossil fuel is accompanied by a number of toxic agents' formation. Nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are the most ecologically destructive, for they hurtfully affect humans and the environment. For these reasons the paper solves the topical problem on creating a diffusion combustion chamber for a converted aircraft gas turbine.

For the purpose of efficient aircraft engine combustion chamber conversion from fluid to gaseous fuel, the author proposes the combustion chamber design and complex approach, including of engineering and design studies and experimental studies.

The experimental method includes three stages. At the first stage, the butners' outlet parameters are defined. For this purpose, a workbench for determining a burner throughput capacity and obtaining concentration pattern of the air-fuel mixture in swirling jet burner outlet. CO2 was used as a gas fed to the fuel ducts, instead of methane. Concentrations distribution over the sections after the burner presents the pattern, allowing trace the CO2 concentration level variation dynamics in whole area of measurements and in each point of the swirling jet. It allows evaluate the quality of air-fuel mixture preparation. The burner throughput capacity was evaluated at various pressure differences. Based on the performed work, selection of the burner geometry for implementation in the compustion chamber was performed.

While implementation of the flame tube head with a large number of atomizers, fuel distribution uniformity ensuring is of especial importance. It provides stable combustion process and mixture homogeneity at the combustion zone inlet. To determine the flame tube head flowrate characteristics, an installation with compressed air delivered to fuel ducts was implemented. Evaluation of air throughput deviation from its average value was carried out. It allowed working out the flame tube head from fuel feed ducts dimensions' optimization viewpoint.

The next stage consists in working with a full size combustion chamber. This stage includes two trends. The first one is the pressure loss determination in the combustion chamber, while the second one is determination of the non-uniformity of the outlet temperature field. Selection of combustor can degree of opening and air distribution along its length to provide optimal pressure losses and temperature field.

At the final stage the combustion chamber as a part of the engine functioning test was carried out. The engine throttle performance characterization and measuring the exhaust emissions of the engine was performed.

In accordance with the results of the studies, conclusions were made that the realized complex approach to toxic agents emission reduction allowed design the combustion chamber reducing nitrogen oxide emission by 40% and carbon oxides by 20% compared to a stock combustion chamber.


combustion chamber, converting, diffusive burning, experiment, nozzle, mixing, ecology


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