Mobility effect of flight simulator cabin on aircraft in-flight refueling problem modeling

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Zaichik L. E.*, Desyatnik P. A.**, Zhelonkin V. I.***, Zhelonkin M. V.****, Tkachenko O. I.*****, Yashin Y. P.******

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



One of the serious problems of flight simulation with flight simulators consists in reproduction of accelerations experienced by a pilot while in flight, which play an important role in piloting. The paper considers this problem in the context of aircraft in-flight refueling. The goal of the study is quality estimation of cabin movability over various degrees of freedom effect on piloting, pilots nature of action and his judgement on simulated accelerations degree of adequacy to real flying conditions.

Experiments were conducted with TsAGI PSPK-102 flight simulator containing cabin with six degree- of-freedom mobility, collimated visualization system, instrument display, side-stick control with electrical loading system, and thrust control levers. The authors developed the in-flight refueling task simulation technique using flight simulator with movable cabin. The problem of cabin mobility system control algorithms optimization was fulfilled for the considered task.

The pilot's task consisted in performing closing-in with the refueling tanker and carry out the refueling cone in the course of the flight. Experiments were conducted with participation of an Honored military pilot, who had wide practical experience of refueling tasks in real flight conditions.

Experimental data on the accelerations effect on unbiased indicators of the cone tracking accuracy, pilots actions characteristics and aircraft movement parameters were obtained.

The study demonstrates that reproduction of accelerations affecting a pilot significantly increases the adequacy of in-flight refueling problem simulation to a real flight. According to the pilot's, opinion axial accelerations exert the strongest effect on refueling task.

Nevertheless, reproduction of vertical and lateral accelerations in the course of flight simulation plays an important role as well. The obtained objective data and the pilot's opinion accord well with overloads and angular accelerations over various degrees of freedom significance analysis performed based on earlier developed theoretical approach to the accelerations impact on piloting.


flight simulator, movability system, modelling quality, refueling problem


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