Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science
Organization of production
1*, 2**, 2***1. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia
2. "UEC-Aviadvigatel"JSC, 93, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia
Aircraft engines manufacturers face the following challenge: on the one hand to ensuring the product configuration management, and, on the other hand, the necessity of effectively employing financial, material and human resources throughout the entire aircraft engine life cycle. This problem can be fixed due to information support of aircraft aviation engines' life cycle based on software solutions such as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
The aircraft engine building branch intensively employs PLM solutions developed by Siemens PLM Software at the stage of design documentation development. aircraft engines design is carried out with allowance for the methodology of 3D electronic model design (EMD) of a product with NX system under control of PLM-system TEAMCENTER.
PLM solutions are not used at the stage of the technological preparation for assembly production. The technological preparation process is oriented on implementation of paper design and technological documentation. The existing process does not link the stages of design and technological documentation development. At the stage of technological preparation of production process, the electronic structure of the product is practically never used. The technological preparation and configuration management systems depend largely on the human factor. The production planning system is not working effectively due to the absence of connection with technological regulations and assembly production process.
The product assembly efficiency can be improved by creating a unified information environment for developing design and technological documentation.
The TEAMCENTER PLM system implementation for technological preparation of aircraft engine assembly production will allow develop a unified information environment for developing the design and technological documentation. It will enable also the product's configuration management problem fixing and reducing time and costs associated with aircraft engines.
A key feature of the new business process is the TEAMCENTER system implementation at all stages of production technological process preparation, and the products configuration and assembly are carried out according to electronic technological structure and technological process using 3D visualization and step-by-step account of assembly process. Technological structure of the product will allow fixing the problem of production configuration management throughout assembling process. The technological structure data should be transferred to EPR system of production planning.
The equipment and assembly must be carried out via the MBOM and technological process using the three-dimensional visualization and operational accounting of assembly production process. The operational account will allow monitoring the production progress and providing feedback to the production planning system. The step-by-step account will ensure documenting of the product configuration requirements carrying out and forming actual product configuration.
Introduction of the TEAMCENTER PLM system while preparing the assembly production will allow solving the configuration management problem.
Formation of actual configuration will provide a solution to the product configuration control problem, such as documentation, identification, and traceability of the requirements compliance status to products at all product assembly stages.
Implementation of the 3D product models facilitates understanding of new products design, allows exclude drawing working documentation to automate the technical documentation development process and, as a result, reduce the time of assembly and manufacturing costs.
Developing a unified information environment for design and technological documentation preparation via the PLM TEAMCENTER system will provide the market launch of new products with the specified characteristics in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.
configuration management, product lifecycle, aircraft engine, technological preparation, assembly, manufacturing, PLM, TEAMCENTERReferences
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