Combined thermoacoustic method for titanium alloy structure modifying

Metallurgy and Material Science

Metal science and thermal processing of metals and alloys


Kalugina M. S.*, Remshev E. Y.**, Danilin G. A., Vorob'eva G. A.***, Pekhov V. A.****

Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia



The paper studies the possibilities of using acoustic emission and gas-dynamic processing (thermo-acoustic processing) methods for initial check of a material (titanium alloy) instead of a traditional method, i.e. optimal heat treatment mode selection.

Implementation of thermos-acoustic processing as an extra treatment of TC6, BT16 and BT23 alloys, demonstrating low mechanical properties in the initial state, ensures grains refining and improvement of property package up to the required level.

Physical features of titanium alloys and specifics of obtaining semi-products on their basis require that a manufacturer should know and allow for these semi-products initial state (mechanical properties, microstructure, etc.) while process design. Thus, the manufacturer should possess the technique allowing promptly estimate and correct mechanical-and-physical properties of the basic material, and in certain cases of a complete spring either.

For the experiment, the authors sel ected the alloys fr om various foundries (mechanical properties, microstructure, etc.).

The presented study area of application is titanium alloys implementation for springs, employed in airspace and other special equipment manufacturing, where the quality of basic material predetermines largely the quality of a final product.

The carried out studies in the area of the basic material quality in spring production allows draw inference on the possibility of a certain initial check modernization, as unattainable part of a component manufacturing process. It is established, that acoustic emission method allows qualitatively estimate the microstructure without labor consuming estimation methods and take a decision on treatment schedule of manufacturing process. ATAP implementation as an extra processing of TC6 alloy, demonstrating low mechanical properties in its basic state, ensures grains refining and improvement of property package up to the required level.


titanium alloys, acoustic emission, thermo-acoustic processing


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