Gas-dynamical parameters of two-phase high-concentrated jet influenced with drifting flow

Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics


Tsarenko P. B., Yanyshev S. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


A numerical simulation is carried out to investigate gas-dynamical parameters of two-phase high-concentrated jet influenced with drifting gas flow. This investigation was inspired with a problem of fire-fighting by means of helicopter-based plant which ejects high-speed high-concentrated two-phase fire-fighting jet. The drifting gas flow considered is a stream caused with the helicopter main rotor. Parameters of the jet are studied depends on velocities of inlet jet main rotor stream. Typical features of interaction between inlet jet and rotor stream are described. — informational site of MAI

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