Stepwise gas turbine engine combustion chamber development in conditions of air velocity forcing at compressor outlet

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia



Development of new up-to-date actuating gas turbine engines based on fourth generation aircraft engines requires certain time consuming. Thus, one of the ways to series-production engines' parameters improving consists in their upgrading and forcing. A fifth series-production NK-16-18ST engine was developed hereupon at SC KMPO. Its more productive high-pressure compressor allowed ensure higher flow velocity (about 170 m/s) at the combustion chamber inlet. Combustion organization and provision of optimal level of toxic agents' emission in engines of such kind is hindered due to high-pressure parameters of the airflow.

Such situation led to the necessity for carrying out research and design effort consisting in altering structures of burner and flame tube with redistribution of air vents along its length. The approach, used in the above said structure lies in forming the «reach» mixture in combustion chamber primary zone with its subsequent sharp weakening to ensure “poor” content, which allows maintain low level of nitrogen oxides. Testing of this chamber together with the engine confirmed that the sel ected approach allows reduce nitrogen oxide content in combustion products. However, it requires a number of measures related to the structure changes to achieve the desired level of noxious substances emission. To increase penetration depth of a jet into combustion zone the chamber was upgraded by cylindrical hubs installation in the first row of vents. This measure allowed reduce concentration of oxide nitrogen emission in the engine's exhaust gases, but it was not enough to ensure the level, required by regulations. Having in mind, that residence time reduction of gas in high-temperature zone decreases oxide nitrogen formation, in the framework of the last version, measures were introduced to increase fuel mixture flow velocity fr om atomizers, mounted on the flame tube head. The atomizers have elongated nozzles and less diameter. Such configuration allowed ensure noxious substances emission in combustion products at the level complied with the State Standard requirements (GOST 28775-90).


gas-turbine engine combustion chamber, flame tube structure, design upgrade, emission level reduction


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