Production management in conditions of multiproduct single-part and short-run production


Balyasov Y. A.

Design Bureau “Armatura” - branch GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev, 22, Sotsialisticheskaya str., Kovrov, Vladimir region, 601909, Russia



The scope of the article is production monitoring system developing at the machine-building enterprise in conditions of single-part and short-run production, allowing data provision of production progress, contribution to managerial decisions effectiveness increase and production lead-time reduction.

This goal implies organization of a production processes information system at the enterprise that accumulates initial order information, such as engineering and design documentation, route technological processes, operational labor standards. This data allows calculate a period of execution of works (with account for product structure) and draw an activity network as the basis for the day-to-day production planning. Actual production data is fixed in the strategic points relating to such production stages as resource supply, mechanical processing, finished items transfer to the picking store and to further assembly process. Analytical comparison of the initial and actual data serves as the basis for the management decision-making concerning de-bottlenecking and can be used in production scheduling.

It is supposed to use two groups of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of production activity that characterize:

– the conformity of production progress with planned, estimated and directive periods of execution of entire work as well as intermediate production stages;

– production volume expressed in terms of production lots quantity or standard hours of work that makes it possible to estimate the current and coming labor content as well as production continuousness.

The key feature of the procedure is that all the data necessary for the monitoring is formed automatically with execution of standard working functions of a person responsible for their execution, disposing of the difficulty to obtain additional manpower resources.

This system serves as the basis for the production processes operative monitoring adapted to the single-part and short-run environment. It allows:

– systematize and analyze the real-time data on the basis of measurement of the strategic points that specify the execution of order;

– control the process on every level, from foreman to general manager;

– estimate the planned machine utilization.

This technology of production data organization is implemented at the DB “Armatura”-branch of FSUE “Khrunichev SRPSC”; the day-to-day production planning and monitoring algorithms are being tested. As a result of the partial implementation of the procedure there is a tendency to reducing of the throughput time. The suggested technology can be used at manufacturing enterprises with a high level of experimental development, such as engineering departments with a pilot plant.


information technologies, small-scale production, KPI, network diagram, monitoring, OLAP


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